Strike up the band, as it were!
Man, this week without comments has caused me to really wonder how people with comment-less blogs do it. I've had all sorts of bloggish ideas in the last week or so (speaking of which, I just lost the game again. Nuts) but it's been hard to motivate myself to post about them when I know there's no possibility of feedback. So how do the Instapundits, Barely Legals, and Leiter Reports manage to inspire themselves to keep post volume at rate they do?
Maybe people e-mail them with responses?
Yeah, but that'd just be goofy. Not e-mailing as a stop-gap when comments are down for other reasons, but building an entire blog where the author talks to everyone through posts, but everyone else can only talk to the author in private. Feels kinda elitist and egotistical if you ask me.