

According to this site, which uses computer facial recognition software to examine your scanned photo and determine which celebrities you most resemble, I look like:

Peter Greenaway (I'm not that craggy!)
John Edwards (Vaguely closeish; similar haircuts, at least)
Agnetha Falkskog (The blonde singer in ABBA)
Ariel Sharon (!)
Mia Farrow (?)
Tom Cruise (Flattering, but no)
Bryan Adams (Who?)
Henry James (The turn-of-the-century author)
Keira Knightley (Huh.)
And Annette Benning

So I not only resemble a bunch of celebrities, I resemble a bunch of celebrities who look nothing like one another.


This is the best segue I've ever come up with.

Speaking of famous people, I talked to Willyce yesterday. When I told her to give you her contact information for your job applications, she said something that sounded suspiciously like, "oh shit." So I imagine you'll get that information now that she's been reminded.

Wow, thanks. I was actually joking when I commented about that on your blog. To be fair, it's not really Willyce's fault; I didn't realize I needed their information until mid-December, and I called them the day before the library closed for Winter Break. I talked to Willyce briefly on the phone, but 1. there had been a power outage that zapped the phones somehow, and that was the only phone that worked in the Stax/Circ area, and 2. Willyce was on desk, which as you are surely aware means that Willyce was in no mood to be talked to.

I sent her, Ferrol, and J.T. e-mails, but, again, it was the penultimate day of library operations for the semester, so they were probably running around tying up loose ends before the break.

Thanks for asking her, though!

So are you officially working now? When do you start/did you start?

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