So what was the major project for my birthday? Other than getting food in Madison Square Park and picking up a game I wanted, I mostly spent today cleaning. Frankly, this was the most satisfying birthday I've had in a long, long time. I cleaned the bathroom, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, and, most significantly, my room. I also changed the lightbulbs I complained about earlier and swept the floors. All this, and not a word of thanks from my roommate, who nonetheless enjoyed both the light and the cleanliness when he had a gaggle of friends over to watch the World Series tonight! At last, I can shift modes into the put-upon roommate, rather than the mortified offender!
For those interested, I've posted a new gallery of photos I took of my now-clean apartment. I've been meaning to do this for a long time, but, until now, there was at least one room that was so filthy I was too embarrased to share it. Now, at last, everything is clean and tidy!