Hands Up


Now that New Jersey's Supreme Court has decreed that the legislature must provide something functionally equivalent to marriage for same-sex couples, there's an interesting geographic pattern developing with respect to gay rights. First Vermont legalized same-sex civil unions. Then Massachusetts provided for same-sex marriages. Now New Jersey and Connecticut have or will have same-sex civil unions. And somewhere along the line Canada legalized same-sex marriage. If you look hard enough at a map of New York and its surroundings...

...you'll notice that all of the North American political regions that have recognized same-sex intimate partnerships border on New York state. And yet, thanks to New York's Court of Appeals and a legislature that's dragging its feet on the issue, New York itself has not allowed for same-sex unions. All that's left is for Pennsylvania to legalize marriage or same-sex unions and New York state will be entirely surrounded by water and land where gay people can be married/united.

On the plus side, though, at least New York doesn't have a law on the books expressing public opposition to same-sex marriage and forbidding recognition of same-sex unions created in other states, unlike certain Californias I could mention.


We...have domestic partnerships. Woo.

I scoff at your domestic partnership registration system! Scoff! It grants a small handful of the legal benefits of marriage, but not the whole package. It pales in comparison to what Massachusetts, Vermont, and soon New Jersey offer.

Well yeah, it's definitely not as good as a civil union, but a civil union is hardly a marriage equivalent.

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